Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Go Dagny Go!...killer of very bad bad robots...

Danielle F.

Some designs specifically made for Danielle F.

Sexy Weka!...

sample designs for Weronika who is pictured below...

Its all in the family...

Blacky Chang, its a family dynamic duo(above)
Meli as a Samarai, below...


First Ninja Punch ninja..keep on trying..

Meet my new friend Melanie

Check out Melanie for all your modeling and acting needs!! Paid gigs only please...
My first dedication pic for Meli

Brad Smith Characters...

A dedication to Mr. Bradford II Smith..

Mermaid saying no!...

Fun Mini project...


Ninjas Young and Old

Shark Tales type sketches...


An ol' design i did for my characters called Wraps...

Tattoo and Tshirt Designs..

Tattoo Design

Monkey Tshirt design Front/Back

Dragoon "Woody" Allen..

This was an animation design I did, I have to find it so i can post it up soon, note to self...Dragoon animation

Some ol Sketchees of Renee and Kilala...

Spiderman, Rhino, Wolverine, Psylocke and Scooby!

2007 Flash Sketches...

Boxer, Hulk, Spiderman, Flash, Angel L.